Berrien County
The Berrien County Board of Education, Nashville, Georgia, is seeking a new superintendent. The system enrollment is 3100 (PK-12) with five schools. Georgia Leadership Associates will assist the Board of Education with the search for the new superintendent. Interested applicants should contact John Lairsey (912-276-0673) or Wes Taylor (229-300-3753) or visit www.kingcooper.com.
Completed application packages for this position must be received by the close of the business day February 14, 2025. The application materials should be emailed to the following address:
For an application package to be considered, it must include the following:
Formal letter of application
A copy of a current resume
A copy of the Georgia leadership certificate (Required only for Georgia candidates)
A list of four references to include names, addresses, and two telephone numbers (office and home or cell).
Minimum Qualifications:
Hold or be eligible for a Georgia Leadership Certificate at the L-6 level. Georgia certification information is available from the Division of Certification, Georgia Professional Standards Commission, 200 Piedmont Ave., Suite 1702, Atlanta, GA 30334; 800-869-7775 or www.gapsc.com
Of good moral character; not convicted of any crime involving moral turpitude, as required by GA law; possession of high standards of ethical and moral conduct and that s/he promote the success of all students by adhering to ethical principles and professional norms.
Has no immediate family members serving on the Berrien County Board of Education or employed as an administrator in the school district after July 1, 2009, as required by GA law.
Experience as a classroom teacher and an administrator at the school or central office level.
It is the policy of the Berrien County Board of Education not to discriminate on the basis of age, gender, race, religion, national origin, or handicap in its educational programs, activities, or employment practices.