Exclusive Services
GLA can assist local school boards with the required "Board Training Needs Assessment" in preparation for your “Local Board Training Plan."
Board Governance Training Courses
Dyslexia Legislation (S.B. 48): Is our governance leadership team ready?
Strategic Planning: Using Valid Data to support Reading Program Selection
School Safety: The Board Members Role
Developing Norms and Protocols
Financial Planning and Budget Analysis for Boards of Education.
Facilities Analysis and Planning for Boards of Education
Understanding and Improving School Outcomes of Trauma Impacted Students
Board’s Role in Increasing Systems’ Graduation Rates
Planning for Boards of Education (including Strategic Planning)
Data Analysis and Accountability Measures for Boards of Education
Communication Strategies for Boards of Education
Board Roles and Responsibilities; Accreditation, Standards, and Statutes
Strategic Planning: Next Steps
Curriculum and Instructional Leadership for Boards of Education
Employing and Evaluating the Superintendent
Attracting, Developing, and Retaining School and System Leadership
Legal Issues and Ethics for Boards of Education
The Personnel Function: Understanding and Maintaining the Board’s Role
Establishing, Reviewing, and Revising of System Goals and Priorities
Advantages of Selecting GLA
All GLA courses receive three hours of credit, are approved by Georgia State Board of Education, and meet local board training requirements.
GLA courses can be delivered to whole boards or individual board members.
GLA courses can be pre-planned with Superintendent and/or Board Chair to structure and determine training content.
GLA courses can be delivered to include and address local system information, data, and issues of concern to your school system.
GLA courses can be offered at a time and location convenient to you.
GLA courses can be delivered as part of a Board Retreat or other event.